The Youngest Guide to the Oldest Museum. A Children's Guide to the palace in Wilanów
The Youngest Guide to the Oldest Museum. A Children's Guide to the palace in Wilanów - Photo gallery
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Authors: Magdalena Herman, Aleksandra Przeździecka-Kujałowicz
The youngest guide to the oldest museum is a fascinating journey for children and their guardians through the oldest Polish art museum – the Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów. Go on a family tour of the palace! While wandering around the rooms of the palace in Wilanów, you can admire baroque paintings full of mythological stories and intriguing furniture, the purpose of which is not always obvious to the youngest visitors. The youngest guide will help you understand the language of mythology used by the creators of the palace decorations and will help you solve some of the palace's puzzles. It will also prompt questions that will help turn a tour of the palace into an engaging conversation about the wise and brave King Jan III and the works made available at the beginning of the museum by Stanisław Kostka Potocki. The youngest guide also develops the child's creativity thanks to numerous proposals for artistic activities inspired by the Wilanów collection.
Publisher: Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów
Year of publication: 2016
Length: 111 pages
Format: A4
Fixture: integrated
ISBN 9788363580742
The youngest guide to the oldest museum is a fascinating journey for children and their guardians through the oldest Polish art museum – the Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów. Go on a family tour of the palace! While wandering around the rooms of the palace in Wilanów, you can admire baroque paintings full of mythological stories and intriguing furniture, the purpose of which is not always obvious to the youngest visitors. The youngest guide will help you understand the language of mythology used by the creators of the palace decorations and will help you solve some of the palace's puzzles. It will also prompt questions that will help turn a tour of the palace into an engaging conversation about the wise and brave King Jan III and the works made available at the beginning of the museum by Stanisław Kostka Potocki. The youngest guide also develops the child's creativity thanks to numerous proposals for artistic activities inspired by the Wilanów collection.
Publisher: Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów
Year of publication: 2016
Length: 111 pages
Format: A4
Fixture: integrated
ISBN 9788363580742
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