The procedure for reviewing articles

  1. After being submitted, an article prepared in accordance with the guideline for ‘Studia Wilanowskie’ undergoes primary verification done by the Editorial Committee and is subsequently sent for review.
  2. The paper is assessed by at least two independent reviewers with no connection to the institution with which the author is affiliated. In the case of a difference of opinions, a third reviewer is called in to evaluate the text.

  3. The author of the paper is not informed of the identity of the reviewers, nor they about the identity of the author. Reviewers are chosen so as to have no personal connections with the authors, no relations of professional subordination or direct academic cooperation within a period of two years prior to the date of the text’s submission.

  4. The review is to be completed in writing (review form) and concludes with an unequivocal statement of the text’s acceptance or rejection.

Volume reviewers


Hanna Osiecka Samsonowicz PhD (habil.), Professor at the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Wojciech Tygielski PhD (habil.), Professor at the Institute of Art History, University of Warsaw UW

Barbara Ciciora-Czwórnóg PhD, National Museum in Cracow, Pontifical University of John Paul II, Cracow
Joanna Czernichowska PhD (habil.), Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw
Anna Frąckowska PhD, Historical Museum of the City of Gdańsk
Marzanna Jagiełło PhD (habil.), Eng. Arch., Professor at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Paweł Ignaczak PhD, Museum of Warsaw, Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw
Paweł Jeziorski PhD, Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Toruń
Dariusz Kacprzak PhD, Szczecin Art Academy, National Museum in Szczecin
Joanna Orzeł PhD, University of Łódź
Damian Makuch PhD, University of Warsaw
Jolanta Polanowska PhD, Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Tomasz Pruszak PhD, Museum of Warsaw
Tomasz de Rosset PhD (habil.), Professor at the Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń
Professor Andrzej Rottermund PhD (habil.), Warsaw
Anna Saratowicz, The Royal Castle in Warsaw
Iwona Szmelter PhD (habil.), Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw

Joanna Arszyńska PhD, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń
Konrad Bobiatyński PhD (habil.), University of Warsaw
Anna Czyż PhD (habil.), Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw
Professor Bogusław Dybaś, Research Station of the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Vienna
Łukasz Gołaszewski PhD (habil.), University of Warsaw
Urszula Kosińska, University of Warsaw
Krzysztof Kossarzecki PhD, National Library, Warsaw
Dorota Kudelska PhD (habil.), Professor at John Paul II Catholic University, Lublin
Estera Lasocińska PhD (habil.), Professor at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Aneta Markuszewska PhD, University of Warsaw
Dariusz Milewski PhD (habil.), Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw
Professor Mirosław Nagielski, University of Warsaw
Dariusz Nowacki, Wawel Royal Castle, Cracow
Mariusz Smoliński PhD, University of Warsaw
Jan Jerzy Sowa, University of Warsaw
Tomasz Szwaciński PhD, National Library, Warsaw
Michał Woźniak PhD (habil.), Professor at the Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń

Wojciech Bagiński PhD, Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów
Piotr Birecki PhD (habil.), Professor at the Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń
Michał Błaszczyński, National Museum in Poznań
Marzenna Ciechańska PhD (habil.), Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw
Joanna Czernichowska PhD (habil.), Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw
Mikołaj Getka-Kenig PhD, Institute for the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow
Magdalena Górska PhD (habil.), Professor at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Magdalena Ludera PhD, National Museum in Cracow
Bogna Łakomska PhD (habil.), Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Gdańsk
Michał Mencfel PhD (habil.), Professor at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
Stefan Mieleszkiewicz, National Museum in Warsaw
Anna Miłosz PhD, Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Ewa Orlińska-Mianowska, National Museum in Warsaw
Magdalena Piwocka PhD, Wawel Royal Castle, Cracow
Jolanta Polanowska PhD, Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Tomasz de Rosset PhD (habil.), Professor at the Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń
Professor Andrzej Rottermund PhD (habil.), Warsaw
Renata Sobczak-Jaskulska, National Museum in Poznań
Karolina Stanilewicz PhD, Academy of Fine Arts, Łódź
Iwona Szmelter PhD (habil.), Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw

Izabela Kopania PhD, Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Bogna Łakomska PhD (habil.), Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Gdańsk
Rafał Nestorow PhD, Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow
Jarosław Pietrzak PhD, Pedagogical University of Cracow
Aleksandra Skrzypietz PhD (habil.), Professor at the University of Silesia, Katowice
Iwona Szmelter PhD (habil.), Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw
Michał Wardzyński PhD (habil.), University of Warsaw, Mazovia Institute of Culture, Warsaw
Joanna Winiewicz-Wolska PhD, Wawel Royal Castle, Cracow